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MBS约务更替, a conversion to operational novation and a simplification of the netting and settlement process, enables the Mortgage-Backed Securities Division (“MBSD”) of the Fixed Income 清算 Corporation (FICC) to retire certain inefficient processing.

MBS约务更替 expands and extends the services rolled out with Pool Netting, which introduced the comparison, 贸易担保, netting and central counterparty settlement of pool allocations submitted in satisfaction of members’ outstanding to-be-announced (TBA) obligations. MBSD still requires bilateral matching and supports dealer-to-dealer and broker-to-dealer trade submission.


  • 好处

    One of the benefits is the overall reduction in settlement costs and volumes. Approximately 50 – 55% of the pool allocations are eliminated with the introduction of 约务更替. Highlights of the services and benefits below:

    • Trade 约务更替 with FICC as the operational Central Counterparty (CCP)
    • Balance Sheet Netting
    • Odd-lot processing in the TBA Net
    • Do-Not-Allocate (DNA) service
    • Elimination of Notification of 结算 (NOS)
    • Elimination of the Give-up process
    • Introduction of Trades with Stipulations
    • Automatic Pool Instruct (PID) generation

    全MBSD输入, output, systems and processes are impacted and changed, to varying degrees, by 约务更替; FICC is changing a process that has been virtually the same for decades. 结果是, new SWIFT-based Interactive Messaging Specifications, Machine Readable Output (“MRO”) file layouts, and reports have been created, as well as any requisite member reference documentation and training materials.

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  • 新闻

    Get the latest news about 存 MBS约务更替 service, a conversion to operational novation and a simplification of the netting and settlement process.

  • 法律

    Download legal information about the MBS约务更替 in the form of notices, 章程, rules and procedures. Learn more about fixed income clearing services.



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